If you or someone you know needs urgent medical attention, it’s important to know where to go for care and when to act quickly.

Know When to Call 911

Call 911 if you or someone nearby is experiencing severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, signs of a stroke (e.g., sudden numbness or weakness on one side), severe bleeding, or unconsciousness. Also call emergency services if the condition seems life-threatening or is worsening quickly.

For injuries or symptoms that are urgent but not life-threatening—such as fractures, severe cuts requiring stitches, or minor burns—you can drive yourself or have someone take you to the nearest emergency room.

Emergency Rooms in Toronto

Here are the emergency rooms in Toronto:

What to Expect at the Emergency Room

When you arrive at the emergency room, you will be assessed through a process called triage. This assessment prioritizes patients based on the severity of their symptoms, not the order of arrival. Depending on the urgency, you may be seen immediately or asked to wait. A nurse will document your vital signs and symptoms before directing you to the appropriate care pathway.

How Long Do You Have to Wait at the Emergency Room in Toronto?

Wait times can vary significantly depending on the time of day, the day of the week, and the severity of cases. Critical cases will always take priority, so if you arrive with a life-threatening condition, you will likely receive immediate care.

For non-urgent conditions, during off-peak hours, such as early mornings (6am-8am), you may be seen within 3 to 4 hours. During busier periods, particularly late afternoons, evenings, weekends and long weekends, wait times for non-critical issues can extend up to 12 hours or longer.

For Non-Emergencies, Book a Same-Day Appointment at PinPoint Infinity Health

For non-urgent situations like minor illnesses, injuries, or general consultations, you can book a convenient same-day appointment with PinPoint Infinity Health.

Our easy-to-use online booking system ensures that you can access timely care without waiting in a crowded emergency room.

Book a time with us today